Author Guidelines
Systematic author guideline Jurnal Kefarmasian Indonesia
- The manuscript is written in full English using a systematic order: Title; Author's name; Author Affiliation; Abstract; Keywords; Introduction; Method; Results and Discussion; Conclusion; Acknowledgment; and References.
- The title should be accurate, clear, specific, and complete, with a maximum of 20 words. Not allowed to contain abbreviations that are rarely used. The title is written in English.
- The author's name without titles and professional positions such as Prof, Dr, Production Manager, etc. Always write your name in full version without abbreviation. The corresponding author should be noted with an asterisk (*) at the end of the corresponding author's name.
- Affiliation on of all authors should be completely written, includes: the name of the department / faculty, the name of the university / institution name, city, country. Corresponding address (e-mail address) is written by adding an asterisk (*) in superscript type before the email address. Different affiliations of the authors should be marked by a different number code with superscript type at the end of each author's name. If all authors came from the same affiliation / agency, no number code is needed to be written.
- Abstract is written in English using Book Antiqua typeface, single spaced. Write an abstract in English which is a summary of the article. Abstracts are created in one paragraph and a maximum of 250 words with font Book Antiqua 9 pt and single space. The abstract should contain the background, objectives, methodology, results, and conclusions. The abstract should not contain tables/images without including a citation. The use of abbreviations should be minimum except for units. Objectives and methodology are arranged in the form of past tense, while the results and conclusions are in the form of simple present tense.
- Keywords maximum 5 words, been the most representative and most specifically describes the content of the manuscript. Each keyword is written in sentence format case, separated by a semicolon (;).
- In the Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions:
- If you want to write short, write the first complete followed by its abbreviation. Example: Basic Health Research (Riskesdas).
- References are sorted by their appearance in the text and serial numbers written in superscript after the sentence, images, or tables that are cited/told/shown.
- For laboratory research, specify the brand and type of equipment and materials used.
- Table title is written above the table body, center, bold with font size 11. The content and information of the tables are written using font size 10. The table is written using horizontal lines as borders, the vertical lines are not allowed. Be sure to write an introductory sentence before displaying a table.
- The title of the figure (or image) is written below the figure (or image), center, bold with font size 11. Make sure that the displayed figure (or image) is clear and legible. Always write an introduction before showing the figure (or image).
- The conclusion should answer the research objectives.
- When you do not want to put suggestions, this chapter does not need to be written.
- Acknowledgments should be written. Thanks be addressed to funders and those who helped during the research and writing of the manuscript.
- References are written using at Mendeley tool ,  EndNote in the format of Vancouver
- In the Introduction, the author should state the purpose of the study. Before the goal, the author must provide an adequate background, and literature studies briefly to record the solutions/methods available, show the results of previous studies, indicate the main limitations of previous studies, and indicates what is expected to overcome the existing limitations.
- In the Methods section, the authors provide details sufficient to allow for reproducible research. The method that has been published must be demonstrated by reference; only the relevant modifications should be explained. Chapter methods can be divided into sections, such as: Tools and materials: Device name mentioned brand, and type (eg, HPLC detector (PDA Waters 2996)). For chemicals, also included details of a brand and purity (eg. CaO (Merck, 99.5%), work procedures: Work procedures can be described briefly in one paragraph. However, if there are many stages of work, each stage can be written in different sections.
- Results and Discussion, the results must be clear and concise. The results should summarize scientific findings by providing very detailed data. It is advisable to show the difference between the results or findings themselves with previous publications by other researchers. As in the chapter Methods, Results and Discussion section can also be divided into sections. The table is written sequentially by number, and the title is written above the table, such as Table 1. Table title using single spaced, center, 11 pt, bold. For a table, elements must use single spacing, 10pt. Double spacing can be used to indicate the grouping of data or a separate section in the table. The column headings in the table are written using 10pt, bold. Make sure the table contents are clear and legible. Do not display vertical lines on the chart. There is only horizontal lines that should be displayed in the table. Before a table, enter the introduction to explain the table. Tables are attached in a separate page after the text body. Images displayed include the title and numbered consecutively placed under the image, for example, Figure 1 (center, 11pt). Make sure that the images used are clear and legible. Hardcopy of the images used should be scanned and attached as an electronic version of the documents included in the .bmp or .jpg format. Before displaying the image, write an introduction to get into the image. Images attached in a separate page after the body text. The discussion should explore the importance of the work. The discussion is not equal to narrating the results table. The following components must be included in the discussion: How did your results relate to the initial question or goals given in the Introduction (what)? Do you give a scientific interpretation for each of the results or findings presented (why)? Whether the results obtained are consistent with what has been reported by other research (what else)? Or is there a difference?
- In conclusion, written in narrative form and have to answer the research objectives. Do not repeat the Abstract or just detail the results of the experiment. Conclusions provide clear scientific justification for your research and demonstrate the possible applications and further research. The conclusion must be in accordance with the original purpose of your research. The manuscript when submitted should be a maximal 17% similarity plagiarism checking
- Suggestions (if any) is written in narrative form and must be related to the research you have done. If you do not want to make a suggestion, this chapter does not need to be written.
- Acknowledgments, this chapter must be written in order to appreciate those who have helped you and also avoid plagiarism and claim on your research by others. Acknowledgments may be directed to the people who have helped in the research, supervising research, and especially persons / sources of funding your research