Isolasi dan Identifikasi Struktur Karotenoid dari Ekstrak Bayam Merah (Amaranthus Tricolor L.)

Amaranthus tricolor L. Carotenoid Lutein Spectroscopic


  • Novi Sulistyaningrum
    Pusat Biomedis dan Teknologi Dasar Kesehatan, Badan Litbangkes, Kemenkes RI, Indonesia
March 4, 2020

August 29, 2014
August 29, 2014


Amaranthus tricolor L. was reported as source of carotenoid compounds (tetraterpenoids) which is a natural pigments and has bioactivity as antioxidants. They are beneficial to health. Carotenoids isolate are obtained by maceration method in methanol, saponification with KOH / MeOH 5%, fractionated by vacuum column chromatography, preparative thin layer chromatography (preparative-TLC) repeatedly and each fraction monitored using thin layer chromatography (TLC). Structure analysis of carotenoids based on UV, IR and GCMS spectroscopic data showed similarities as lutein structure.